Thursday 20 February 2014

No.1’s The Boss!

   “Number Ones the boss” No.6 tells No.2 during his ordeal in the episode of 'Once Upon A Time,' yet he knew it as early as ‘Free For All.’ This after No.2 has encouraged No.6 to stand for electoral office.
No.6 "What physically happens if I win?"
No.2 "Then you're the boss!."
No.6 "No.1's the boss."
No.2 "Join me. If you win," he suggests "No.1 will no longer be a mystery to you if you see what I mean."
   Well I don't quite see what No.2 means, unless of course the meaning is that No.6 would come face to face with No.1 if he wins the election. So then why didn't No.6 take the opportunity to pick up the phone and speak to No.1 after his winning the election, his rise to being the new No.2, from the relative comfort of his office in the Green Dome I wonder? After all he telephoned the manager of the Labour Exchange, but then perhaps it wasn't known at that time just who No.1 was going to turn out to be.....No.6 himself. And even if it was known........well that would have been giving too much away far too much, far to early don't you think?

Be seeing you

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