Saturday 8 February 2014

Quote For The Day

    "His face seem vaguely familiar, what's his real name?"
    "I'm surprised you don't remember him. He made world news a few years ago."
    "Oh I remember him, he defected about six years ago."
                                                     {No.2 and No.14 - A B and C}
    Personally speaking I wouldn't buy a secondhand car from this chap!
   A defector they say, seems to have been a good deal of it about, defecting I mean! First Chambers late of the Foreign Office, then Cobb, all we want is for the Prisoner-No.6 to defect and we'd all be happy! I'm not sure which would be worse, the Prisoner having been abducted to the Village, by his own people, or being abducted from Madame Engadine's party by this chap to god knows where. Presumably to some interrogation establishment somewhere behind the Iron Curtain! Then again this man "b" did tell his ex-colleague, Number 6 is always meeting up with ex-colleagues, that he's in his country now, presumably in meaning France. So perhaps the Prisoner was already there, the interrogation establishment being in the chateau where "b" had taken him. Perhaps "b" himself was to do the interrogating, no I should think he would leave that to his heavies and henchmen. And one final point, "b" was once friends with No.6, they were on the same side doing the same job, but that was in the past. They still do the same job, but on different sides, and for different reasons. They used to have a lot in common, and perhaps still do, seeing as they both want to conquer the world. Oh yes and one other thing, here is another man whose name like that of the Prisoner, is never spoken!

Be seeing you

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