Sunday 9 February 2014

The Prisoner Under The Spotlight!

   It's surprising is it not, how many times No.6 attempts to escape the Village. ‘Arrival’ first saw an impetuous escape attempt, running from the Village, ducking and diving out of sight of the Village Guardian, before ending up on the beach. The Prisoner was then perused by two men in a Mini-Moke. Attacking two men in a taxi, the Prisoner drives towards the outer zone before encountering the white mass of the Village Guardian. It was a far more planned escape attempt made by the Priosner-No.6. having been given an electro pass which synchronises with the alarm system, allowing No.6 to pass the Guardian to gain access to the helicopter. Having piloted the helicopter away from the Village, it seemed that No. 6 was about to successful make good his escape. Whoever it was not to be, as an operative took control of the helicopter in the Control Room by remote control, flying the helicopter , and the Prisoner, back to the Village as though the helicopter was a “drone” aircraft in today’s technology.The next time for a chance of escape would be during ‘The Chimes of Big Ben’ when he was betrayed by Nadia-No.8, No.6 being led by his desire for escape. If he had not been so single-minded, he might have stopped to ask himself how was it possible for Nadia to be able to make contact with her contact in that cave/ Unless of course karel had been livbing in that cave just on the off-chance that Nadia might make an escape attempt from the Village! Instead of being taken on the next stage of a long journey to London via Gdansk/Danzig and Copenhagen, when in reality it was merely a short boat trip back to the village...... but No.6 didn't know that of course, and neither did the viewers, not the first time of viewing anyway!
   The next escape attempt was some little time away for No.6, and that was by boat during that episode of ‘Free For All,’ and we know how that ended, don't we readers. And No.6 wasn't any more successful posing as ‘The Schizoid Man’ either. Well how was he to know that Susan had died a year ago!
   In ‘The General’ No.6 was still as keen to leave the village, but there came no opportunity, the next opportunity for escape came on the morning of ‘Many Happy Returns,’ when No.6 woke up to find the Village deserted! So instead of hanging around to find out where all the citizens had gone, or to see what would happen next, our hero built himself a sea-going raft, and ended up washed ashore at Beachy Head. But the Village has tentacles, agents and operatives everywhere, and so there is no place No.6 could go without the long arm of the village reaching out to bring him back for ‘Many Happy Returns’ and a birthday cake specially baked for him by Mrs. Butterworth - the new No.2.
   ‘Checkmate’ saw No.6 take a different attitude to escape. Not on his own this time, he looked for reliable men upon whom he could depend. and we know how that all ended don't we readers. There had been one almighty cock-up on the part of the Rook who put to No.6 his own test. And because of No.6's own authorities manner the Rook took him to be on of them... a Guardian! And so ‘Checkmate’ saw the final escape attempt to be made by No.6, until ‘Fall Out,’ when he escaped with three confederates, the diminutive Butler, an ex-No.2 and No.48 who they dropped off somewhere along the A20 between London and Dover, while the ex-No.2 returned into the fold of the establishment. And the butler, he returned home with his master, who being unable to rest even for a moment, drove off the moment he arrived home. There wasn’t even time for tea, only the Prisoners future!
   After the episode of ‘Checkmate’ there was no natural chance for No.6 to attempt an escape I suppose an outside chance might have been at the end of ‘It’s Your Funeral,’ but who could No.6 have trusted enough to hold the explosive detonator for him, as he had for the retired No.2 so that he could escape?..... There was no-one, so if No.6 had tried to escape using the explosive detonator as a bargaining chip, well once the new No.2 had removed the Great Seal of Office from about his neck and shoulders, the detonator device no longer remains a bargaining chip, and No.6 escape attempt could only end in failure. And besides, No.6 was thinking of the good people of the community... just for once.
    ‘Do Not Forsake Me Oh My Darling’ could have turned out as an escape attempt by No.6, and could have been one of his more successful attempts, just as long as he disappeared and had not gone running back to his ex-colleagues as he had twice done before. But then he'd have had his mind trapped in a body not at all to his liking.... the Colonels. And where would he have been then? Possibly in a worse situation than being back in the village. I mean, what would you have done in No.6's situation?........Exactly!
    So all told is was a mere 7 escape attempts out of 17. But of course that is what we see during ‘the Prisoners’ time in the Village. That which we do not, what occurs between the 17 episodes, we cannot account for what we as television viewers are not privy to.

Be seeing you

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