Thursday 6 February 2014

The Village Story Book

    He told us a blessed fairytale! Well the whole of 'the Prisoner' is a story isn't it boys and girls, an anthology of short stories that can be watched in any order, just as long as you begin with 'Arrival,' and end with 'Once Upon A time' and 'Fall out.' Unfortunately there is no happy ending for the hero, who could be seen as a brave and handsome knight on a gleaming green and yellow charger {KAR 120C}. Certainly the stories do not lack for damsels in distress, who in their turn bring deception, trechery, betrayal, and revenge. He must combat the evil One and his numerous henchmen who will do anything to him so to distract him from his purpose. It is the saga of a man taken into an underworld nightmare of torture and pain in the search of truth and enlightenment. One man's ordeal as he is put to the test, the goal being a purse of silver and the Throne of Village.

Be seeing you

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