Friday 28 February 2014


    Viewers of THEPRIS6NER are learning that the series has more in common with the original series than fans who do not like it might at first realise. A friend of mine doesn't like THEPRIS6NER series, yet his young son does like the series. Could it be, that like the original series, which is best viewed through the eyes of a child, is it possible that likewise the same can be said of THEPRIS6NER, my friends young son seeing something in the series which his father cannot?
   I tend to think that at the end THEPRIS6NER Six gave himself up for the greater good. That 313 agreed only to do what she did until Six could find a "better way," to find a new Two to pass The Village on to. Because at the end of ‘Checkmate,’ Six has reached the place where Two began.
   One can only speculate just how many Two's there have been up to the time of Six becoming the new Two. But as for The Village, it appears to be a second chance for people who are ill, have committed crimes of some kind, a place where people are taken, whether they want to be saved or not, while at the same time are living their lives in New The Village is in New York, but only in the mind!
    Two wants to give Six The Village, it's his way for escape. But what surprised me was, the ease with which Six finally accepted The Village. Each episode is a challenge set for Six by Two, this is much in the same way of the original series, each episode being an ordeal for No.6, to win or lose. In the original series No.2 did not always succeed in his challenge with No.6, and it's the same for Two in THEPRIS6NER. And ultimately Two will fail unless he has a challenge that will completely undermine Six through his own beliefs. Six only wants to do the right thing, and that is what will give Six to Two, and did. Because Six is the One!
    11-12 was astounded that anyone would have the audacity to watch him! "Who would do such a thing, and why? 11-12 was afraid that if he was being watched, then his father might find out about his relationship with 909, if he didn't know about it already. So one of them had to go, seeing as how it wasn't going to be 11-12, it had to be, rather selfishly on the part of 11-12 I thought, but it had to be 909, who I thought accepted his ultimate death rather well really..........unless 909 knew that to suffer a Village Death would mean his release from the Village back to that "Other Place." After all 909 was a dreamer, wasn't he?
    To finish I received a letter from a friend of mine who has had a bit of trouble with the mind, and with a psychiatrist by all accounts, but she actually likes THEPRIS6NER series, and can see the meaning behind it. She wrote "If only there was a real place like The Village, where broken people could be taken and fixed, how much happier I and many like me would be."  I found my friends letter most touching, and I only wish I could help her.

Be seeing you


  1. Hello David,
    it's an interesting thought that Six has given himself up when he decided to take Twos part. I've never looked at it from this perspective. I thought he made a mistake and fell victim to his own ideals or perhaps even to his delusions of grandeur.. Still I think that it wasn't the best ending or a good decision, since it meant that the prison would sustain and Six would be the warder in charge instead of fighting it. But I guess yes, it's right, for some people it might be a place to live at least one "normal" or pleasant life, particularly for 313, presumably.
    Best wishes,

    1. Hello Jana,
      Apologies for not replying yesterday, most remiss of me.
      That is an interesting comment. One could say that Six wanted to take over from Two because he wanted to find a way to make a better Village, moral Village, that he owes it to do so. Yes perhaps because of his own ideals, and even through delusions of grandeur. But at the same time he is making a grave mistake, because it's not 313 who is to dream Six's vision of Village furture, it's Sarah in New York. Sarah who was abused as a child, who has deep seated pshycological problems! I think the ending of the series was filmed like that because it was hoped that there would be a second series.

      Very best wishes

    2. Hello David,
      a second series had a difficult work to do, to handle the questions that are raised by Sarahs mental problems. I guess this could be really interesting.
      Once I asked myself if not only Helen was dreaming the village, but M2 too was dreaming. This would explain why she has to be asleep and why black holes appear if she's awake. Regarding Sarah/313 this could relativate the problem to some extend, if 313 is capable to "control" Sarahs dreams. Also, it would be interesting to thematize a "fight" between Sarahs and 313s dreams.. But it's a little bit far-fetched, I can see this.
      Best wishes,

    3. Hello Jana,
      I can see that to have M2 dreaming the Village as well as Helen in New York would explain the holes appearing in the Village when M2 was awake. But I've never understood why M2 has to dream the Village as well as her other self Helen in New York. What does M2 get out of being in the Village when she has to sleep most of the time?
      313 might be able to control Sarah's dreams, but is she strong enough mentally to keep Sarah at bay in New York? After all when313 looked in the mirror in one episode she did not see herself as 313, but as Sarah!

      Very kind regards
