Monday 3 February 2014

Thought For The Day

   February is here already, and as it happens this month is a particularly active
one for the Prisoner. The date Feb 10th clearly appears in two episodes, ‘A B and C’ and ‘The Schizoid Man.’ Back in the late 1980’s, or possibly in the early 1990’s, there was the idea that both of these episodes actually took place at the same time, simply on the basis that Feb 10th appears on both issues of The Tally Ho used in the episodes, which is true, but for two different reasons. The trouble with the idea of having two episodes taking place at the same time is, there would have to be two No.2’s working on two separate projects at the one and same time, with three No.6’s, as well as two parallel Villages. What the person who came up with this idea missed was the fact that both Tally Ho’s used in ‘A B and C’ and ‘The Schizoid Man’ are in fact the same Tally Ho broadsheet.
    Then on Feb 11th No.6 is abducted from his home as the affair of ‘The Schizoid Man’ is instigated. And on Feb 20th No.6 wakes to find a deserted Village, and after making a search, he then sets about building a sea-going raft, which would have taken him a day or so, finally to set sail on a sea voyage on Feb 22nd.

Be seeing you

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