Thursday 6 March 2014

A Question Of Time!

   In ‘A B and C’ there was a question of whether No.2 was fit for a further term of office. Not meaning to question his ability for the job, but of his health. No.2 had a stomach ulcer, hence the need to drink milk. Perhaps that is why it became a question of time. Why he was only given three days in which to extract the reason behind his resignation, because No.1 might have feared No.2 wasn’t well enough to see the job in hand through to a successful conclusion.
   I wonder how long this Number 2 of ‘A B and C’ had been in the Village, when his term of office actually began? After all so much time was spent researching and computing the Prisoner’s whole life, and that would have taken time. Or perhaps so much of No.2’s time had been spent on that, that No.1 thought too much time had been spent on this project already. Hence No.2 having only three days left!

Be seeing you

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