Saturday 8 March 2014

It's Inexplicable!

   How it is, that during ‘The Chimes of Big Ben,’ the tape recorder playing the London sound effects, the chimes of Big Ben coincide exactly to the minute of the wristwatch No.6 borrowed! Yes of course the wristwatch is set at London time, but that the two should coincide so precisely. For that to happen, the tape recorder would have to be switched on at precisely the right moment, and timed to perfection, other wise the tape might have played the chimes of Big Ben at a moment too early, or too late. And yet if No.6 had not been wearing Karel’s wristwatch it wouldn’t have mattered when the chimes occurred, unless of course the Prisoner’s own wrist watch was also set at English time. Of course it might be thought that how did they know that No.6 would be wearing the wristwatch borrowed from Nadia’s contact man? Well of course he was Post Five, and would have reported to the Supervisor-No.26 that the Prisoner had taken his watch, and he’d have told No.2. Hence the tape recorder would have to be set to play at precisely the right moment, otherwise the machine would ruin everything!


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