Sunday 2 March 2014

Quote For The Day

    "You've come to tell me there's a plot against my life, haven't you? You know my colleague is very concerned about these imminent death by violence projects that you've been reporting during my absence."
    "Plots? I've reported one only."
    "Not so. My very efficient colleague, or should I say my heir presumptive has been collecting evidence that every interim Number Two who has served here while I've been on leave has been cautioned by you."
                                                   {Number 2 and Number 6 - It's Your Funeral}

   Number 2 said "Every interim Number Two," and yet is Number 2 of 'It's Your Funeral' himself an "interim" Number 2, just like any of his predecessors, and successors to come? Otherwise there would be a permanent Number 2 in the Village.

Be seeing you

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