Saturday 1 March 2014

Thought For The Day

    What exactly does No.2 get out of the actions of both ‘Free For All,’ and ‘Dance of the Dead? On the face of it very little indeed, and yet was that really the reason behind the two episodes, to get No.6 to talk? Certainly at the end of both episodes No.2 is a confident person, because apparently everything went according to plan, the feeling being that all will satisfactory in the end. As for No.6, he’s as defiant as ever, “You’ll never win” he tells No.2, to which comes the reply “Then how very uncomfortable for you old chap.” On the one hand the tissue was only bruised a little, and on the other, No.6 cannot win, and the more he resists the more uncomfortable things will be made for him. It is my opinion that both ‘Free For All,’ and ‘Dance of the Dead’ are both “softening up” episodes for the Prisoner. And if by chance No.6 was ready to talk at the end of ‘Free For All,’ then that would have been a bonus.

Be seeing you

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