Tuesday 4 March 2014

Thought For The Day

   You may have read my previous blogs about No.34 being a plant in the Village. No.34 being the dead man No.6 found on the beach that morning in 'Dance of the Dead.' I came up with the interpretation that No.34 was a plant, sent to the Village by person or persons unknown, and for an unknown reason. That perhaps someone in the Village Administration had helped No.34 smuggle a transistor radio into the Village, and so my blogs on this subject went on, and into some depth. But there's always someone isn't there, someone who comes along to shoot holes in your theory. Because Jana, a good friend of mine, had the following to say;
   I had wondered if the body was planted on the beach just for Number 6 to find. Also, what if Number 34s escape attempt as well as the "appointment" was a plot by the Village against Number 34, just like Number 6s escape in Chimes or MHR? 
   That is an interesting point, one I had not considered before. Certainly it’s a possibility. After all if No.6 had not found the body on the beach, he wouldn’t have found the radio, and therefore he couldn’t have been put on trail for the possession of a radio! The idea certainly simplifies the situation, and I’ve always favoured simple answers in the past. And yet, I still prefer my own interpretation about No.34. It might be rather ostentatious, but I have to favour my own interpretation in this case, no matter how much I like Jana’s theory. Otherwise it’s been a waste of my time to have worked on such a theory about No.34. Well no it wasn’t a waste of time, because although no theory regarding ‘the Prisoner’ can be proved, I enjoyed spending hours working out my theory about No.34, and everything that entailed.

Be seeing you


  1. Hello David,
    I too like the idea of Number 34 being a plant!

    Those what-if-games.. Just wondered, wouldn't both ideas be combineable? Number 34 being an uncovered and then used plant in the village?

    Best wishes,

    1. Hello Jana,
      Thinking about it, yes, both ideas are combineable. No reason why No.34, being a plant, having been killed, possibly by the Village Guardian, his body then used for another purpose. As No.2 would say "Waste not, want not!"

      Very kind regards
