Friday 7 March 2014

Thought For The Day

   Judging by the way “they” had looked after both the Prisoner's home, and his Lotus Seven, “they” must have expected the Prisoner to return one day. At one point for a while, No.2 herself spent some of her time “house sitting.” While for much of the time the Prisoner was away his Lotus Seven must have been garaged, only taken out on a couple of occasions. Then the kar was finally cleaned, polished, and valeted, not to mention having been re-taxed and insured, his name replaced as the only owner in the car’s log book in time for the Prisoner’s return home.  
   So did “they” anticipate the Prisoner's decision to reject the Village, deciding not to lead them, but to go! Perhaps, unless No.1 Buckingham Place, Westminster had been No.1's London home all the time!

Be seeing you

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