Wednesday 23 April 2014

A Favourite scene In The Prisoner

   When during 'The Chimes of Big Ben' newly arrived Nadia Rakovsky asks No.6 where Number 2 the Green Dome is.
   "Yes certainly. Across the square, across the street, up the steps you can't miss it."
   "I know it sounds crazy."
   "I don't know where I am!"
   "In the Village."
   "Lovely day" salute two passers by.
   No.6 returns their salute.
   "It sounds like a salute."
   "It is."
   "Could you take me over there please."
   "To the Green Dome yes certainly. Across the square, across the street, up the step steps you can't miss it."
   "Can you get a car here?"
   "Taxis, local service only."
   "Where will they take you?"
   "Anywhere you like as long as you arrive back here in the end, that's why they're called local."
   "Who are these people? Why are they here?"
   "Why are you?"
   "Here you are, the Green Dome."
   "Who is Number Two?"
   "Who is Number One?"
   "I'm frightened!"
   "I've done nothing wrong, I've committed no crime. All I did was resign."
  "No use telling me."

   It always strikes me in this scene how much a seasoned villager No.6 sounds, an old hand in the Village you might say.

Be seeing you

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