Saturday 5 April 2014

Prismatic Reflction

    Number 6 is sat outside the café {the improved café facilities provided by a former Number 2} when there is a public announcement.
   “Attention ladies and gentlemen attention. This is an announcement from the General’s department. Will all students taking the three part history course , please return to their dwellings immediately. The Professor will be lecturing in thirty minutes. I will repeat that, this is a special announcement from the General’s department. Would all students taking the three part history course please return to their dwellings immediately.”
   Number 6 wants another coffee, but the café is closing, didn’t he hear the announcement? As Number 6 leaves the café there is another announcement from the General’s office, all students taking the three part history course should please return to their dwellings immediately. But Number 6 shows no interest in returning to his cottage. There is a yellow poster pasted to a wall.
“Our aim
One hundred percent entry,
One hundred percent pass”
Speedlearn, a three year course, in three minutes
                   It can be done, trust me”
                              The General.
    Whilst pondering the poster for a moment or two, Number 6 encounters Number 12.
    “A University degree in three minutes.”
    “It’s improbable.”
    “But not impossible.”
    “Nothing is impossible in this place!”
    Number 12  goes on to tell Number 6 that he would find the Professor most interesting. He has an extraordinary range of knowledge. But Number 6 is only interested in getting away from the Village. Number 12 is a cog in the machine.
  The helicopter files over the Village, they are after someone, this time it’s the Professor. It seems that he is too delicate to be hunted down by the Village Guardian. As it is, his students who chase him, hunt him down, and manhandle him back to the Village!
   Number 6 is also on the beach. His foot catches something. Kneeling down he uncovers something hidden in the sand. It is a tape recorder, and clearing the last of the sand away he switches it on.
    “Ladies and gentlemen, ladies and gentlemen, fellow villagers, students, this is the Professor speaking. I have an urgent message for you…..” but before Number 6 can listen to any more, a taxi arrives on the scene, and he has to hide the tape recorder in the sand dunes.
    Number 256 gets out of the taxi and approaches Number 6 “Are you a student?”
    “Who isn’t? You prefects?”
    “What are you doing here?”
    “Playing truant!”
    Not wanting Number 6 to be late for the Professor’s lecture, or to begin the term with a black mark, the two burly-set Guardians/prefects give him a lift back to his cottage in their taxi.
   It would seem that the Professor is a great man, and treats lectures as though his very life depends upon them, which in fact it does.
   Upon entering his cottage Number 6 switches his television on, and gets  himself a tomato juice from the refrigerator, then goes to sit in front of the television.
   There is a TV anchorman fronting the lectures, who in turn hands over to someone who needs no introduction, Madam Professor, “Nice to be seeing you all again!” A curious phrase seeing as she is the one on television, unless the television system is a “two-way” system, as once suggested in the episode of ‘Dance of the Dead.’
   Anyway the Professor is due to lecture in a few minutes. The delay because the huge success of the course has put an added strain upon him, and is at the moment completing the notes for the second lecture. Rubbish! {The Professor has just attempted an escape, he’s having therapy treatment!} Anyway Madam Professor, although being a poor substitute for her husband, goes on to begin to explain about their future programme, the extra curriculum seminar for post graduates and advance students, but is interrupted by the TV anchor man, as the Professor is now ready to complete the lecture.
    A fanfare is sounded, and a man dressed in a burgundy smoking jacket appears on the television screen. “Speedlearn is quite simply the most important, the most far reaching, the most beneficent redevelopment in mass education, since the beginning of time. A marriage of science and mass education, which results in the abolition of years of tedious and wasteful schooling. A three years course indelibly impressed upon the mind in three minutes, Impossible? That’s what I said until I was introduced to the General. And then I realised that not only was it possible, but education was ready for a giant leap forward from the dark ages into the twentieth and twenty-first centuries. Ladies and gentlemen. I have been a teacher for thirty years. Speedlearn has made me as obsolete as the Dodo!”
    There is another fanfare, the Prisoner stares at the television screen as the face of the Professor appears. The lecture begins, and is over in fifteen seconds flat! Hypnotised by the television screen, it causes Number 6 to relax, and drops his glass of tomato juice. When he comes out of his trance like state, he mops up the spilt tomato juice with his handkerchief.
   Suddenly the door of his cottage opens and Number 2 walks in with another man who has a metal detector.
    “Mopping up operations Number Six?” Number 2 suggests.
   The man accompanying Number 2 begins to make a search of the cottage with his metal detector.
    “Have you lost something?” Number 6 asks
    “Not me. The Professor” Number 2 returns.
    “I believe you had a stroll on the beach.”
    “What beach?”
    “Poor old Professor, losing his tape recorder with all his notes on it, you haven’t seen it of course.”
    “Would you mean something about that big was it?” demonstrating with his hands.
    “The Professor is rather worried about it.”
    Number 6 suggests to Number 2 that his man should look in the wardrobe, the tape recorder isn’t there of course, Number 6 is merely goading Number 2, who finds it very amusing.
   Number 2 asks Number 6 if he’s still as keen to leave them. Are there any more questions? Number 2 was thinking that a compromise could be arranged in exchange for the recorder. Number 6 wonders who has it. Number 2 asks Number 6 if he enjoyed the lecture. Number 6 is unaware that any such lecture took place, until Number 2 asks Number 6 when was the treaty of Adrianople? Number 6 answers the question without even thinking. And again when Number 2 asks what happened in 1830? And again Number 6 answers without having to think. And as Number 2 goes on with this demonstration the two men end up spouting the same history lesson word for word, parrot fashion.
   “Very good, ten out of ten. Don’t underestimate yourself, and don’t underestimate me” Number 2 tells 6 before leaving the cottage.
   Number 6 is bewildered by what has just taken place, and picks up the telephone receiver asking the operator the same questions put to him by Number 2, and receives the same answers word for word!
   That night, at fifteen minutes to curfew, Number 6 goes out into the night, down to the beach in search for the Professor’s tape recorder. On the beach he encounters Number 12, who has found the tape recorder, which he hands to Number 6 as his passport out of the Village. But Number 6 doesn’t trust Number 2. He doesn’t trust their tame professor, and he doesn’t trust Number 12. Asked who he does trust, Number tells him he trusts “me” as in himself. Before leaving the scene, Number 12 gives Number 6 a lesson in education. “What was the treaty of Adrianople?” To which Number 6 answers “Eighteen twenty nine.” But that’s the wrong answer. Number 12 asked what, not when!
    Left alone on the beach Number 6 switches on the tape recorder and listens to the Professor’s voice.
    “This is the Professor speaking, this is the Professor speaking. I have an urgent message for you. You are being tricked. Speedlearn is an abomination, it is slavery. If you want to be free, there is only one way. Destroy the General. Learn this and learn it well, the General must be destroyed!”
    In the Green Dome the butler enters Number 2’s office pushing a tea trolley. Number 2 is on the telephone while the butler pours out a glass of milk. We have seen this Number 2 before, and seems to be enjoying his second term of office, perhaps because he’s not directly involved with Number 6 this time around. He is speaking to Number 1, assuring him that there is no problem. He’s expecting a one hundred percent co-operation from everyone, and he’s expecting a truly exciting result. As explaining why the Professor ran away, Number 2 puts that down to a mild aberration, a couple of days therapy and adjustment, he’ll be doing all we need. Number 2 still suffers from his stomach ulcer, hence the milk. He also has an opinion of Number 1 which he should guard most carefully, “Probably the most important human experiment we’ve ever conducted, and he treats it like a military experiment.”
   The pair of steel doors open and his assistant enters the office.
    “Anything on the Professor, the doctor will be in to see you personally” Number 2 asks.
    “He is responding to treatment” Number 12 assures him.
    “Get over there and tell him to speed things up.”
    Number 12 makes to leave.
    “No, I’ll do it myself.”
    “Yes sir.”
   Number 12 has opinions about the Professor. Quite frankly he thinks they are going about it the wrong way. He sees it that they indulge his idiocies far too much. He’s a crank and should be treated as such. He knows that the Professor is the corner stone of Speedlearn, bit Number 12 cannot help feeling that the Professor is a troublemaker, and troublemakers attract troublemakers. Number 12 has been in the Village quite a long time, but not long enough it would seem, and Number 2’s advice is, that Number 12’s opinions about the Professor should be carefully guarded.
    Some little time later Number 2 is in the Control Room. Section thirty-two is put up on the wall screen. The Professor is busy typing up the notes for his next lecture, when the doctor and a nurse enter the General’s office. This disturbs the Professor who is led away, much against his protest of not wanting to be disturbed, as he has to finish typing up his notes. He is led away by the nurse to go for some therapy treatment. The doctor takes the typed up notes, puts them in a computer coding machine of some kind, which transfers the typed notes onto a metallic strip.
   Back in the Control Room the supervisor-Number 26 asks if Number 2 wants to track the Professor. Instead Number 2 orders the arts seminar to be put up on the screen.
    “Right put up section thirty-nine, sound and vision” the Supervisor orders.
    On the wall screen the camera pans the art seminar taking place in Madam Professor’s garden.
    “Its Number Six!” exclaims the Supervisor.
    “Really, how every odd” Number 2 replies.
    Madam Professor approaches Number 6 who is sat drawing a picture. She asks if she can help him, Number 6 doesn’t know, can she? She asks him if he’s finding things a bit strange. But the trouble is Number 6 cannot find anything at all.
   “What exactly are you looking for?”
   “What are we all looking for?”
   Well that gentleman over there, he’s tearing up a book. Apparently he’s creating a fresh concept, construction arises out of the ashes of destruction. A woman, with her back to a wall is standing on her head, she’s developing a new perspective. And him, the chap sitting in the chair with his eyes closed. Well he’s asleep, the mind learns only when it wants to! And Madam Professor, what is her subject? Modern art. While Number 6 has a keen interest in military history, Generals and that kind of thing. It’s a remarkable drawing of Madam Professor in a Generals uniform. However she is not at all amused, and tears the sheet of paper handed to her by Number 6 in half. Creation out of destruction?
   Number 6 leaves the garden, and makes his way into the house.  Madam Professor finds him and confronts him. The house is most elegant, books, paintings, and a very beautiful garden. It seems that the Professor and his wife have certain privileges. While Number 6 and Madam Professor talk, he begins to uncover a number of busts covered by dust sheets. Amongst them is one of a former Number 2 of ‘The Chimes of Big Ben,’ suggesting that Madam Professor had produced the bust for the Arts and Crafts Exhibition. This in turn suggests that the Professor and his wife have been in the Village a longish time. There is also a bust of Number 6, and one of the current Number 2.
    “Not really a bad likeness is it. You playing truant?” Number 2 asks, suddenly arriving on the scene.
   “Just doing a little homework” Number 6 replies.
   Madam Professor quickly turns to Number 2, saying that she found him there. But she doesn‘t have to explain, Number 6 and Number 2 are old friends. And he can recommend him as a rather zealous student, with a tendency to over do it.
   Number 6 takes a stout walking stick from a stand, as a doctor appears from the Professor’s bedroom. Asking how her husband is, co-operating? Number 6 walks into the bedroom following Number 2 and Madam Professor. There is a nurse in attendance. The Professor has been given some sedation. Perhaps he’s been over doing it, a bit excited. This Speedlearn, he’s as enthusiastic as a child.
   “Now he’s sleeping like a babe!” says Number 6
   But he’s not to be disturbed the doctor insists. Number 6 wouldn’t dream of it. Then suddenly and quite deliberately, he brings the walking stick down on the head lying on the pillow in the bed.
   Madam Professor screams! But the head is only made of plaster. It seem her husband has gone to pieces! Its not explained why Madam Professor screams, or who or what she screams for. The possible death of her husband the Professor? Or the destruction of her masterpiece! Indeed it is inexplicable how Number 6 knew that it was not the Professor in that bed. Maybe he simply saw through the deception. Certainly Number 6 hadn’t got hold of the wrong end of the stick, but certainly the doctor has! And the offer Number 2 made to Number 6 about the Professor’s notes, it’s cancelled, he doesn’t need them any more. Which is lucky, as neither does Number 6!
    The Prisoner wants what we all want ultimately, to escape. He persists about the General, but then Number 2 has an obsession with him, himself.
    Evening in the Village, and it’s like Mardi Gras. Everyone is out and about celebrating the fruits of Speedlearn. Number 6 returns to his cottage, he switches on a light and a fuse blows. A voice on the telephone instructs Number 6 to stay where he is, electrics and administration are on their way. For such emergencies candles can be found in the upper kitchen cabinet.
   Electrics arrive, on one of the tractor things, so quite obviously not an emergency! Number 6 directs the electrician to the problem, just as Number 12 of Administration arrives.
   “What’s the trouble? Number 212 asks.
   The electrician examines a light bulb he’s just removed from a socket.
   “This sir, deliberate short circuit across the contacts!”
   This is an act of sabotage! The electrician says a two stroke d replacement is needed. 12 tells him to get control to switch in temporary reserve. This leaves Number 12 alone with Number 6 for about fifteen seconds, and explains to Number 6 what he has to do, handing him a ball point pen. The cylinder inside contains a micro reduced copy of the message Number 6 heard on the Professor’s tape recorder, along with two security pass discs. Time is up, the lights come on the in cottage, and the electrician returns from outside.
    “I’ll fix it Number Six……..”
   “All in order sir” reports the electrician.
   “I’ll fix it Number Six, so that you become aware that deliberate destruction of official property is a most serious offence. I must recommend the full penalty” Number 12 tells the Prisoner.
    That could be imprisonment, it could be a fine. Number 6 will take the fine! Number 6 is told to report to Number 12’s office in Administration tomorrow morning.
    Some time the next day, a taxi comes to a stop outside the Town Hall. Top Hat Administration officials are making their way into the Town Hall. Amongst them a familiar figure, Number 6 masquerading as Number 56, also a Top Hat official.
    There is a checkpoint where Top Hat officials are asked to state their business. Then they place a security pass disc into a slot in a black box. The disc is collected by a tiny white hand that emerges from the said black box, and the Top Hat official is clear to pass.
   The Professor’s latest lecture has arrived, there is a full security alert, and the micro reduction is first class. Number 2 is confident as he examines the metal tube, and he feels that the experiment is going to be a hundred percent success.
    The metal tube containing the micro reduced lecture is taken to the Projection Room by Number 2 himself. Transmission has been scheduled, but not yet cleared by the Education Board, but Number 2 is confident that it will be.
   There is a late arrival, a Top Hat official hurries through the checkpoint, he is clear to proceed to pass. All this time Number 6 has been lingering behind, biding his time, now he is ready to make his move through the checkpoint, which he now approaches. Suddenly he hurls the black leather document case he holds, towards the checkpoint. It is instantly repelled by an electrical force field.
   “Do not attempt to pass without using the key. Second occasion is fatal” says a voice from a small Bakelite red speaker “your business?”
   “Lecture approval session, education, new member” Number 6 states loud and clear, then places one of his pair of security pass disc into the slot of the little black box. A little hand appears from within the box, takes the disc, and disappears with it back into the box.
   “Pass” says the voice.
   Alone in the underground passageways of the Town Hall, Number 6 {now masquerading as 56} cautiously makes his way this way and that. He passes the blue double doors of the Boardroom, where Number 2 is addressing the Board of Education, thanking them for their confidence in the General. Following that, Number 12 gives a detailed breakdown of the entire operation, in confidence of course. Basically it all comes down to the General’s prolific knowledge which has produced Speedlearn. Its basis is the students confidence in a tried and tested Professor, and the Professor’s confidence in science.
    Along one of the corridors Number 56 overpowers two security guards, and finds his way into the Projection Room where he attacks the projectionist, and gets stabbed in the arm for his trouble. With the projectionist unconscious,    Number 56 dons his white coat and dark glasses, and takes his place at a periscope. This is just in time, as from the Boardroom checks are being made. Sound, general studio, lecture studio, tele-cine, cameras, and finally projection. All have cleared except for projection, “projection will you clear?”
   “All clear, standing by” reports projection.
   Number 56 has but a few short minutes. He works quickly to change the programmed lecture for that of the one taken from the Professor’s tape recorder. Then resumes his place, sitting at the periscope.
    Number 12 is still addressing the Board of Education, until it’s no longer time for the theory, but for practice. Final checks of sound studio, general studio, lecture studio, tele-cine, camera, and finally projection via a wall screen.
    “Hold that picture!” Number 2 orders.
    “What picture?” asks Number 12.
    The film on the wall screen shows the projectionist sat at the periscope. The camera zooms in, closer, closer. Number 12 observers that the projectionist has hurt his hand.
    “Poor old chap” says Number 2 picking up an ‘L’ shaped telephone.
    Two security guards enter the Projection Room unseen by Number 56, who suddenly feels a truncheon brought down on his head, and slumps in the chair unconscious!
    Later in the Boardroom Number 6 finds himself sat in a chair in the middle of a circle of tables. Present are four security guards, and Numbers 2 and 12, an interrogation is in session. There’s the question of how Number 6 gained entry to the Town Hall, of who let him in? It could be there’s an organisation, dissidents. Who’s the head man?
   “Santa Clause!”
    Who is the head of the organisation? Number 6 would be wise to tell them. But Number 6 is a trained conspirator, he’ll tell them nothing, especially when Number 12 is the co-conspirator!
    This reactionary drivel that Number 6 was going to send out, the freedom to learn, the liberty to makes mistakes, old fashion slogans. Number 6 really is an odd fellow, yet a loyal one. And Madam Professor is also loyal to her husband. Lovely, warm, sympathetic, she’ll talk the Professor into anything to keep him alive. They are both essential you see, the one for the other.
    But now for the General. There is no question the General cannot answer from advanced mathematics to molecular structure, from philosophy to crop spraying that the General cannot answer, given the basic facts.
   Number 2 lays on a demonstration in the General’s office of exactly how it all works and to do this he uses the current situation. Number 2 gets the Professor to type the following;
   “Point one, a traitor in the Village. Point two, security passes were issued to Number Six. Point three, access to these is through where, through where?” Administration! “Put that down, also that Number 12 is an official in Administration. Now ask the General……..” “A question that cannot be answered” states Number 6. There is apparently a question the General, a super computer, cannot answer. Number 2 thinks this is impossible, but allows Number 6 to ask the question. He types something on a sheet of paper, then feeds it into a translation machine which transfers the typed text onto a metal strip, which the Professor feeds into the General. But something goes wrong, the General starts to short circuit! The General is the Professor’s own work. He gave birth to it, and loves it with a passion, probably hates it even more. Yet he tries desperately to shut the General down, but he is being electrocuted. Number 12 dashes forward, in an attempt to save the Professor’s life, or to end his own. Number 2 would have identified Number 12 as the traitor in the Village, had Number 6 not come up with the diversion of posing a question that is insoluble to both man or machine.
   Both the Professor and Number 12 play dead on the floor. The General, nothing more than a hulk of burned out circuits, and Number 2 is a beaten man. And yet he must know what the question was, what was it? WHY?

Be seeing you, and then it will be hammer or anvil!

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