Friday 4 April 2014

The Prisoner Under The Spotlight

   Village Observer. The life of an observer is a lonely one, and observers of life should never allow themselves to become involved. Well that's what they say. Number 240 got to know No.34 quite well. And yet he didn’t know her! Well if he had 240’s effectiveness as an observer would have been compromised, as it was when she became No.6's observer.
   No.240 is reported to be the Villages best Observer. And yet there is much to observe here in the Village. Take the No.66, curiously in ‘Arrival’ both the personal maid to No.6 and that of the Admiral had been issued with the same number.
    In all the time No.6 is with us here in the Village, no other citizen is observed to have made an escape attempt! Well save for that episode of ‘Checkmate,’ but even then it takes No.6 to actually organise the breakout, telling his confederates exactly what to do after he had taken charge of this little venture! I suppose you might include the Professor during ‘The General,’ although he could not run so far, but then he had run far enough. Because the Professor wasn’t attempting to escape, but simply to hide his tape recorder. And curiously it was not two "bully boys" or security in a Mini-moke, or indeed the Village guardian who were dispatched to bring the Professor back to the village. It was a group of citizens themselves who were sent to run the Professor to ground, and then to manhandle him and physically drag him back to the Village!
    "Jammers" and we're not talking domestic science here, or making music. But what Jammers do is talk, they talk about the plots they have been hatching. Escapes mostly, and all kinds of developments for all kinds of mischief. But we don't bother about Jammers much any more. If control picks up anything from a known Jammer, well they just let ride. Strange really, that no Jammer has picked up on this, in trying to escape using any such plan he or she has devised simply to confuse us observers!
    "Unmutuals," during the episode of ‘A Change of Mind’ the Village seems to suffer from an extraordinary breakout of unmutualism! There have been several complaints against No.6 for example, hardly surprising when you consider the mans aggressive tendencies, his disharmonious attitude towards his fellow citizens. yet No.6 is not alone, there's No.46, who isn't odd, just different. No.46 was an umnutual, but was saved through the process called "Instant Social Conversion." And then there's No.42, who appears to be in a permanent state of depression., mind you there was the time when she was busy composing poetry and so failed to notice No.10's greeting. And for that the poor girl was posted as being unmutual! In that case what price No.64? When having left the Town Hall, having faced the Committee, No.6 greeted No.64 with "A beautiful day No.64." And the woman simply hurried away! anyway it doesn't take long for No.42 to pull herself together with help of the ladies sub-appeal committee, of which she soon becomes a member. Even the doctor-No.86 freely admits that she had once suffered the ordeal of being posted Unmutual. No.93 publicly confessed that he is inadequate, disharmonious, but he's grateful, truly grateful. But most of all socially conscious citizens are provoked by the loathsome presence of an unmutual!

    No.86 claims that she is higher than No.2. Is that in authority or high on the drug Mytol which No.6 tricked her into drinking?
    The Professors wife is as much deceptive as No.2 during the episode of ‘The General,’ after all did she not create a masterpiece of her husbands head. But to fool who exactly? Not the doctor, he was treating the Professor! No.2, certainly not! So it must have been on the off-chance that No.6 would sooner rather than later gain entry to the Professors house? Which he did, and it didn't fool him for a second as he brought down that stout walking stick down upon her husbands head. But who was the Professors wife crying out for, her husband, or her masterpiece which was about to be smashed by No.6?
    Apart from No.6 who appears in each and every episode of the Prisoner, it is interesting to note that it is in fact the Butler comes in second to No.6 in the number of appearances in the series.
    In the Piazza during Arrival No.2 gives the command "be still." And everyone stands still save for one sad fool who runs around in circles, until the white membranic mass of the Village Guardian moves in on him, suffocating its victim into unconsciousness, or worse. This action demonstrates that "Rover" acts like a shark, homing in on movement. Hence the order to "Be still." And that is not the only time citizens come to a perfect stand still. It happens early on during ‘Checkmate.’ Well apart from the chess champion-No.14 who comes limping along with his walking stick just as "Rover" is passing by. How do I account for this, when other citizens are standing perfectly still until "Rover" has passed by, well to be perfectly honest I can't. Unless it is a demonstration of defiance on the part of No.14. Although this would not account for the fact that "Rover" failed to be attracted by No.14's movement!

I'll be seeing you

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