Monday 21 April 2014

The Supervisor-No.26

    I was disappointed to see the Supervisor-No.26 get removed from his position during ‘Hammer Into Anvil,’ after all it wasn't his fault he didn't know it wasn't No.6's birthday when he read out that birthday greeting for him from No.113 over the public address system. He wasn’t to know that No.113 doesn’t exist, that the number has not yet been reallocated, 113 having been an old woman in a wheelchair who died a month ago. This Supervisor I have always thought to be quite capable, always carrying out his duties with due diligence.
    However, the error must have been registered, as by the time of ‘It's Your Funeral’ No.26 had been reinstated to his rightful position as Supervisor. Mind you there was a tricky moment when I thought the Supervisor was in trouble again, that time when he showed too much initiative by having the door to No.6's cottage left unlocked, so as to allow No.50, the Watchmaker's daughter have access when she goes to see No.6. Well he doesn’t always answer when people come knocking on his door! No.26 got on the wrong side of the heir presumptive No.2 that time, and I thought he'd have to be replaced again. But No.26 got away with it becasue even an interim No.2 has to answer to some higher authority!

Be seeing you

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