Tuesday 1 April 2014

Thought For The Day

   Science tells us, that for every action there is a reaction. The action in this case being the Prisoner resignation from a job he could stand any longer {well that's a good enough reason as any} the reaction being his abduction to the Village.
   There is also the "cause and effect" to consider. Something caused the Prisoner to chuck up his job, we are unsure of his motivation, but the effect is plain, the Prisoner's abduction to the Village. Whether or not the powers that be were justified in taking the action they did, would depend on whose side you are on. The fact that "they" did it to his own man, well that smacks as being far worse, than had the "other side" abducted the Prisoner! And yet it can also be seen that the British were simply protecting their investment in the Prisoner, and in that, protecting other people!
   So what can we learn from this? That without the cause and effect of Patrick McGoohan's resignation from 'Danger Man,' we may very well not have had a television series called 'the Prisoner!'

Be seeing you

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