Friday 2 May 2014

60 Second Interview With No.2

    No.113 "If I may make so bold Number two, but I'd say you were more an administrator than an interrogator."
    No.2 "Really, and how do you make that out?"
    "You are happy to oversee and supervise others who carry out their work, the doctor-Number Twenty-two for example."
   "The doctor is competent enough. When everything is going so well, why should I interfere?"
   “In other words you don’t like to get you hands dirty!”
   “Not at all. When everything is going so well, why should I interfere?"
   "It wasn't going too well when Number Six and his reliable men attacked the searchlight crew in the Tower!"
    No.113b "Smiles" {click goes the camera}
    "An irritation no more I assure you, much like your little friend here. No photographs please."
    "But if it had not been for Number Fifty-three putting to Number Six his own test like that, you would still be tied up, and Number Six and his fifth columnists would be on their way home!"
    "Look lets have no talk of that. The situation was well in hand, after all M.S. Polotska is our ship, there was never any chance of an escape. And everyone was placed back on the chessboard the next day.”
    “No they weren’t! The Shopkeeper wasn’t! there’s a weasel type of character who’s the shopkeeper now.”
    “Well the shopkeeper Number Nineteen, his books were in a shocking state of affairs!”
    “Or was it Fifty-six?”
    “No Nineteen!”
    “He was on the fiddle?”
    “In a cashless society!”
    “Yes. We still don’t know how he was doing it!”
    "You like to keep yourself fit Number Two, Karate I believe."
    "It takes concentration, and the way I like to relax."
    "By breaking a piece of balsawood in two!"
    "It was not.....balsawood. Now if you don't mind I've a great deal to do this morning."
    "A helicopter load of paperclips, that need sorting have arrived have they?"
    "Two helicopter loads as a matter of fact......."

Reporter no.113
Photographer No.113b

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