Tuesday 6 May 2014

A favourite Scene In THEPRIS6NER

    Two wants Six to give the "taking cure" a chance. Six says that Two would like that, meddling with his mind. But what is Six afraid of? A glimpse into his psyche actually discovering that he is the problem after all? To find the Six inside.
   What ails the man? Six described a fishing trip, oh we like Six's fishing stories. 70 thinks it's some kind of fantasy. Perhaps 70 would do better in trying to find the Two inside.
   "Well why not, since I'm here, we can have a poke around, see what makes Two tick."
   "The inside Two?"
   "I'm curious, I want to know what's going on inside me. Lets start. My wife, I'm the reason she's the way she is."
   "Perhaps we should stay with the matter of Six" 70 suggests.

   "I know I can trust you. I love my son. But I have thoughts, if he knew me, if he truly knows his father, he might not like me. Do you like me Seventy?"
   "You are Two, we all love you."
   "But do you like me?" Two asks producing a hand grenade from his jacket pocket.
   "I don't really know you" 70 tells him nervously "But what I do know is you are a wonderful man."
   Two throws the hand grenade at 70 who catches it.
   "You don't think I believe this therapy babble do you? My mother sat me side-ways on the potty when I was a toddler and now I want to sleep with her. Oh grow up man. Have you had sex with your mother Seventy?"
   "No, never."
   "Well don't!"
   "Two, if I might ask, if you don't believe in the value of the talking cure..."
  "It is not necessary for me to believe, it is necesary for Six to believe."

"A man with nothing to hide has nothing to find"

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