Saturday 3 May 2014

Caught On Camera!

    The above picture is of a Aldis Tutor projector taken from the episode 'Do Not Forsake Me Oh My Darling,' which the Prisoner uses to identify the location of Professor Seltzman. To do this he selects a number of slides which number to the letters of SELTZMAN = 19-5-12-20-26-13-1-14 numbering eight in total. I wouldn't have thought it was possible to fit eight slides altogether in the projecting half of the slider, and the more I look at that picture the more I'm convinced of it! I suppose this is The Village, and anything can happen in The Village. Ah, but then the Prisoner isn't in The Village at this point, as his mind is elsewhere! And yet it is television fiction series, and in such series anything is possible! So I suppose that in having contrived a way of relating Professor Seltzman's whereabouts, the slides had to be made to fit!


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