Monday 19 May 2014

I'd Like To Be The First Man On The Moon!

    The whole Earth as The Village, that is my hope” No.2 tells No.6 during ‘The Chimes of Big Ben,’ to which No.6 replies “I’d like to be the first man on the Moon!” Why No.6 should want to be the first man on the Moon suggests that he is a man who wants no part of No.2’s dream, wants no part of The Village. And yet I think it also shows a man who is at peace with himself, he’s not afraid to be in his own company. This is also suggested by the fact that No.6 has made his own private gymnasium in the woods, for his privacy, which could be deemed as anti-social, but No.6 is not anti social. And why shouldn’t a man keep to his own company if he wants to. I shouldn’t wonder that that’s what he intended to do after he had resigned. We know he was going on holiday, and a likely destination might very well be a tropical island, as suggested by the two tropical pictures in the two travel brochures we see the Prisoner pack into a suitcase. A tropical island somewhere in the South Seas, but somewhere different where he can be alone and think, as he told Madam Engadine.

Be seeing you

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