Thursday 22 May 2014

Quote For The Day

    "May the sun shine on you today and everyday."
                                          {The Supervisor-No.26 - Hammer Into Anvil}
    Having heard the Supervisor read out that birthday greeting to No.6 over The Village public address system, No.2, having checked two things in files, stormed into the Control Room. He asked what was going on. He asks the Supervsior about that personal message for No.6, birthday greetings for No.6, it's all wrong, it's not No.6's birthday, and No.113 dosen't exist, seeing as she died a month ago! The Supervisor claims all innocence. He doesn't know what that message means, "May the sun shine on you today and everyday," it means what it says! Does everyone think No2's stupid? Well it's certainly not a coded mesage for No.6 that's for sure! Anyway No.2 finishes No.26 and has him removed from his position as Supervisor. But this is a mistake on No.2's part, a mistake which is soon rectified, as by the time of  'It's Your Funeral,' No.26 has been reinstated to his rightful position as Supervisor.


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