Sunday 11 May 2014

Who Is Number 2?

    Its Your Funeral sees not one No.2, but a total of 4-No.2's, three of which are interim who have taken up the position while No.2 has been away on leave. On leave, since when did No.2 go on leave? It sounds ridiculous to think that No.2 would be allowed to go on leave during his term of office. And that in turn must bring to question, just how long was this No.2 in office in The Village?
   Fictionally speaking there must be episodes between the episodes we see in ‘the Prisoner’ to which we are not privy. ‘Hammer Into Anvil’ is the previous episode to ‘It’s Your Funeral,’ and between those two episodes at least three interim No.2’s have taken up office in The Village while No.2 has been away, and is an indication of the length of time between ‘Hammer Into Anvil,’ and ‘It’s Your Funeral. And that does not take into account No.’2 term of office itself, doing good works for The Village and its community.
   As for No.2 retiring, no No.2 ever retired before, they appear to leave the position of Chairman of The Village when their term of office has come to a natural end, or after they have failed in their task. And yet on the other hand, considering all that we are not privy to within ‘the Prisoner’ series I suppose there has to be a first time for everything. And it’s not so bad to end one’s days in the Old People’s Home. Better that than the psychiatric wing of the hospital!

Be seeing you


  1. We cannot be 100% sure that the "interim" No. 2 we see are or were actually No. 2s. Because it was the successor in office who set up the scheme. He mayhave hired actors for the edited version of film No. 6 got to see. - BCNU

    1. Hello Arno,
      Well yes that's a possibilty, except I see a flaw in your thinking. The fact that the retiring No.2 himself said that "Every interim Number Two who has served here while I've been on leave, has been cautioned by you." No.6 could see that the excepts had been doctored, but that's no proof that the interim No.2's were actors who were filmed as No.2 saying the one line in the right way. They could have been proper interim No.2', but speaking to someone else, an assistant for example. An assistant might say "They're going to cut your term in ofice," to which No.2 might respond "They're going to do what?" Which is my take on the situation. But then thinking about it again, what you write could still apply even then, seeing as how it's No.2 they're trying to convince, and me trying to convince myself!
      I suppose it comes down to personal persepctive. For myself I like to think that those interim No.2's we see on the screen are what they appear to be, seeing the large turn-over of No.2's. And besides, one of them has a familiar look, he reminds me of a former No.2, wouldn't you say?

      Very kind regards

  2. Well, you're right, I missed that. Yet, the No. 2 in charge and on leave could have been made thinking there had been interims. I admit it's a bit contrived as he should have been aware of the rightful procedures that anyone on top of the Village hierarchy would have to stick to. However, there was his "legal" successor already waiting to take his seat. Why then would there have been 2, 3 or more interims? For how much time? - BCNU!

    1. Hello Arno,
      You make valid points in your comment. And yes if the "legal" successor is already placed in The Village ready to take his rightful place as Chairman of The Village, why the need for the other interim No.2's? Perhaps you are right, perhaps they were contrived, but I think it all comes down to a question of time, how long the retiring No.2 was away from The Village on leave. If it was a week or two weeks leave, then there would be no need for more than one interim No.2 I'd have thought. With regard to the "new" No.2, I wonder just how long he was in the job after Appreciation Day?

      Very kind regards
