Tuesday 6 May 2014

You're New Here Aren't You?

   What do new arrivals bring to the Village? Information obviously, because everyone in The Village has information that has to be extracted or protected, the knowledge inside their heads being of great value to one side or the other.
    And yet the new arrival to the Village can bring news of home to other Prisoners and Guardians alike. News from home, after all Roland Walter Dutton asked No.6 how London was. News about the current government perhaps, of new trends, the development of the space race, the current situation in Vietnam. What’s number one in the music charts, anything at all just as long as its some form of news from home.
    Perhaps No.2 and No.6 discussed aspects of life back at home during their time of non-activity locked together for all that time in the embryo room during their deliberations in ‘Once Upon A Time.’ You will recall how No.2 had just been brought back to The Village, you don't possibly think that all No.6 and No.2 did was to conduct role playing games all the time do you. There must have been rest periods. They shared meals together, shared a bathroom, went to the toilet and perhaps chatted about all kinds of things in between their role playing activities. After all a week is a very long time, and what we see taking place in ‘Once Upon A Time’ is a mere fraction of what takes place during that week.

Be seeing you

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