Monday 16 June 2014

Like A Caged Tiger!

   In a few episodes we see the Prisoner No.6 pacing up and down in his cottage eating a ham sandwich, well it could be a cheeses sandwich {I only said ham because he eats a ham sandwich in ‘Hammer Into Anvil,’ the remains of which is uses to bait his trap to ensnare a pigeon} and drinking a cup of tea or coffee as he paces back and forth. You will recall how No.2 asked the Colonel his opinion about the fellow on the wall screen. The Colonel said “Anyone who spends his time doing that must be rather stupid!”
    Well in an interview with script editor and writer of ‘Living In Harmony’ Ian Rakoff said that he went to MGM film studios for an interview with Patrick McGoohan, that when he got into the office, McGoohan was pacing up and down like a caged Tiger!  So it appears to me, that No.6 pacing up and down like a caged Tiger in his cottage, is a throw back to how McGoohan is in his production office. The both being one and the same!

I'll be seeing you

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