Sunday 1 June 2014

Medical Ethics!

       There are a number of doctors in The Village who are never happier than when they are experimenting on human subjects. Such as the doctors 22 and 40, to my mind, and fictionally speaking, they might have been involved at one time with the experimental installation of Porton Down where chemical weapons, and nerve gas agents were once developed, and experimentation carried out.
   Number 14, I think as a doctor, that although she has developed her new drug, there is a moral ethic about her. She doesn’t want to see a drug used on humans that has not been tested on animals first. It is possible that through Number 6 having gotten the better of Number 2, Number 14 extracted her revenge on Number 2. After all he had threatened her, coerced into the bringing the experiment forward to a time when she was not ready. It makes me wonder just how much time No.2 had spent in getting to the point of ‘A B and C,’ It’s no wonder he only had three days left!
   Then  there’s, Number 86, who might have been the worst unfeeling doctor of them all, seeing how easily she carried out leucotomies on patients in The Village. Who was prepared to use her femininity in order to distract Number 6, as she carried out the deception against Number 6. But she lacked the wit, and in the end was easily out manoeuvred by Number 6 and ended up taking her own drug.

Be seeing you

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