Monday 23 June 2014

Report To The General?

   "That's a new one" says No.2 says to Curtis on the way to the helicopter. Well of course, No.6 who was masquerading as Curtis, didn't mean report to him personally.
   But why not report to the General personally? The General is simply a rank the same as any other, after all doesn’t No.6 report to the Colonel during ‘The Chimes of Big Ben,’ and again in ‘Many Happy Returns,’ and even goes over the head of the Colonel to report to the boss himself Sir Charles Portland in ‘Do Not Forsake Me Oh My Darling.’ For those familiar with Danger Man, you will recall the episode of ‘The Black Book,’ in which General Carteret who was using John Drake for his own personal reasons, in fact to save his brother-in-law from the clutches of a blackmailer. And Drake also had an Admiral for a superior.
    So why not report personally to the General, unless the General mentioned towards the end of ‘The Schizoid Man’ is actually the General of the next episode, and that would make sense of not actually reporting personally to - the General! But then perhaps that’s what we are supposed to think! That would be too much of a coincidence for the General mentioned by No.2 in 'The Schizoid Man' to be the General in the episode ‘The General,' wouldn’t it?

Be seeing you

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