Friday 27 June 2014

Schizoid Man

    Number 2 was shocked to say the least when he heard that Number 6 was dead, he couldn’t get Rover deactivated quick enough. “Deactivate Rover immediately pending further instructions” or words to that effect. So what had gone wrong? It must have been the password Gemini, that the Guardian had not recognised, the same as the two Village Guardians had not recognised earlier on in the street, because it was the wrong password. But then it wasn’t Number 6 who had died, but Number 12, Curtis!
   So now armed with the correct password Number 6 confronts the Village Guardian “Schizoid man” with confidence, and the Guardian accepts the password. Yet when Number 12- Curtis gives the same password Rover attacks him and suffocates Curtis to death. So it must have been to do with the nervousness with which Curtis gave the password “Schizoid man, schizoid man, schizoid man!” Then of course Curtis began to run, and that was enough to convince the Guardian, and its natural instinct being to give chase to it's prey. Had Curtis stood his ground, well who can say what might have happened. After all when in the presence of the Village Guardian, Number 2 does advise the citizens to “Be still!” So its just the same in this case as it was with Alison and her mind reading act. It’s not what you say, but how you say it.
Be seeing you

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