Wednesday 11 June 2014

The Girl Who Was Death

    This maybe a fairytale, but it features a deserted Village, a helicopter upon which Mr X hitches a ride, and an eventual escape by boat, the Labour Exchange Manager and one time assistant to No.2, and the Colonel. There’s an underground passageway leading to an underground cavern, and  a rocket which No.6 eventually sabotages. This fairytale features several of the ingredients found elsewhere in ‘the Prisoner’ series. In’ Arrival’ No.6 attempts to escape The Village by helicopter. During both ‘The Chimes of Big Ben’ and ‘Many Happy Returns, No.6 meets with the Colonel, and wakes up in a deserted Village. And in ‘Fall Out’ there is again an underground passageway leading to an underground cavern, and there's the rocket, which Sir launches in much the same way as he had sabotaged Professor Schnipps rocket in ‘The Girl Who Was Death.’ So in telling a fairytale to any children who happened to be watching, No.6 was not only incorporating his past adventures, but in a way perhaps foretelling the future!

Be seeing you

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