Sunday 15 June 2014

Thought For The Day

    If  'Checkmate' does anything, it shows No.6 that escape from The Village is not possible. When its reported that No.6 had stolen a taxi, but when the Supervisor asked No.2 if he wanted him to take any action, No.2 said no, that he wants the doctors new gadget to get a proper test. The Rook goes on to steal a surveillance camera, and a telephone from a kiosk, together with a screwdriver and electrical components from the trailer of the electrics truck. I have thought that these thefts had gone unreported, but perhaps they had been reported, and like the thefts of two taxis, No.2 was quite happy to let the game play itself out. 'Checkmate' also demonstrates that No.6 would make a very good Guardian, such is his natural air of authority.


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