Thursday 17 July 2014

A Favourite Scene In The Prisoner

   'Living In Harmoy' is my least favourite episode, but if I'm to choose a favourite scene, it would be the gun fight between the newly appointed Sheriff and the Kid.
  In this episode Number 2 achieved something that Number 2 in 'Once Upon A Time' failed to do, and that is to make Number 6 kill! Also in the Man with No Name having been appointed the new Sheriff of Harmony, could be seen as a metaphor of when Number 6 was selected as the new Number 2 of The Village.
   The Prisoner must be keen on resigning, it seems he cannot hold a job for more than five minutes. We witness the Prisoner resigning at the beginning of 'the Prisoner,' and in 'Living In Harmony' we witness the Man With No Name resigning his job twice!
   If you watch the film footage you will observe that the Kid actually beats the Man With No Name to the draw, and yet it's the Man With No Name who fires his colt 45 Peacemaker first!

Be seeing you


  1. I cannot agree as for the least favourite episode. In this case and to me it's the general approach and the idea of the Prisoner as a Sheriff who quits his job; the initial sequence of the man riding on a horse paraphrasing the original which is quite unique and self-conscious. Then it's the partly a bit expressionistic or, one may say, hyperrealistic photography. Especially the scenes shot indoor the Sheriff's office which are specifically lit - if that done was by intention or not I cannot say. And, merging with the former, is Alexis Kanner's portrayal of the crazed Kid, exceptional acting. - BCNU!

    1. Hello Arno,
      When I said 'Living In Harmony' is my least favourite episode, I was not speaking generally, but personally to me. But I do agree that Alexis Kanner's pefomance as the Kid was indeed exceptional acting.
      As for "In this case and to me it's the general approach and the idea of the Prisoner as a Sheriff who quits his job; the initial sequence of the man riding on a horse paraphrasing the original which is quite unique and self-conscious. Then it's the partly a bit expressionistic," you beat me to that one, as I intended writing a piece of blog regarding that very subject over the weekend. I was thinking about it in the bathroom this morning.

      Very best wishes

    2. Not the bathroom, the horse trough! - BCNU!

    3. Hello Arno,
      In the olden days, it would have been the horse trough! Failing that, the old tin bath in front of the fire, and in the backyard in the summer months!

      Very kind regards
