Wednesday 2 July 2014

Caught On Camera!

This chap riding the tricycle during the election parade, is a sign of the future. Helmets for all cyclists. Other than that I can only imagine he thought he might have to ride that canopied Penny Farthing bicycle in the election parade.
But sadly that was not the case. I’ve always thought it disappointing that someone in the property department had gone to all the trouble of making the addition of a frame and canopy to the Penny Farthing, and then not have it featured somewhere in the series. Perhaps they found the bicycle a little too ungainly with the added canopy, and had the contraption put back in the lorry next to the failed original Rover!
  Oh by the by, although there was a Brass Band taking part in the election parade of ‘Free For All,’ but didn’t play {the actual music used during the election parade added to the film later} shouldn’t the chap in the striped jersey at least have that trumpet, or cornet to his lips?


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