Tuesday 1 July 2014


    People talk about escape, but what is it they want to escape from, what is it they wish to escape to? Perhaps to escape to the country, or to the seaside for a holiday. And of course people like to escape into a book, to envelope themselves, to lose themselves for an hour or so, or even longer.
    The Prisoner-No.6, he craves escape from The Village, and several times he attempts to do just that. In fact he enjoys his escape attempts, that one time when he escaped, he went back so that he could do it all over again! And it's the same with enthusiasts of 'the Prisoner,' because we love to escape into the series, and that is what 'the Prisoner' can be, pure escapism. and when one knows 'the Prisoner' well enough, it remains firmly fixed in the mind, and there we can play out scenes in our minds. More than that, we can physically escape to The Village itself. I myself used to do that twice a year, a holiday and Prisoner convention in Portmeirion. But no longer. It's not just people who change, places change, attitudes, and allegiances. And yet I can still escape to Portmeirion, through 'the Prisoner.'

Be seeing you

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