Sunday 27 July 2014

Quote For The Day

   “Nowhere is there more beauty than here. Tonight when the moon rises the whole world will turn to silver. Do you understand, it is important that you understand. I have a message for you, you must listen. The appointment cannot be fulfilled. Other things must be done tonight. If our torment is to end, if liberty is to be restored, we must grasp the nettle even though it makes our hands bleed. Only through pain can tomorrow be assured.”
                                                          {An announcer on the radio – Dance of the Dead}

    The voice of that radio announcer appears to me to be that of Number 2 {Eric Portman}. The only question is, from where is that announcement being transmitted? “Nowhere is there more beauty than here,” is suggestive of The Village. And yet “The appointment cannot be fulfilled,” suggests that someone was supposed to come to The Village, hence Number 6 down on the beach looking for a sign from his world, just in case! . “If our torment is to end, if liberty is to be restored, we must grasp the nettle even though it makes our hands bleed. Only through pain can tomorrow be assured” is rebellious talk, perhaps Number 2 was once earnest in his toast to Number 6 “To hell with The Village!” Then again, perhaps that radio message wasn’t meant for anyone in The Village, transmitted perhaps from a country behind the Iron curtain. But for me, it’s the voice, being that of a former Number 2 {Eric Portman} is suggestive.

Be seeing you

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