Friday 1 August 2014

Unmasking The Enemy Within

    Patrick McGoohan played the role of Curtis in ‘the Prisoner’ episode ‘The Schizoid Man,’ therefore Curtis is Number 1. I know, it is a very sloppy argument, yet things are not always logical in the Prisoner, and the logic of the heart is seldom the logic of the head.
   Why then could not Curtis have been Number 1? The death of Curtis could have been faked, and even if it wasn't......Curtis could have been resuscitated in the same way the "late" Number 2 was in ‘Fall Out.’ Or Number 6 could have made a mistake when he told Number 2 on the telephone that Curtis was dead, after 'Rover' had got him. Rover doesn't always suffocate it's prey to death you know. And why waste such a valuable commodity like Curtis? You may recall the words of a former Number 2 of ‘Dance of the Dead’ "Waste not, want not."
    Number 6 strips away the Grecian comedy/tragedy black and white mask, then the evolutionary mask of the ape, and then is faced with himself, or Curtis. It's no wonder No.6 wants to lay hands on Number 1. That's why Number 1/Curtis climbs the steel ladder into the nose cone of the rocket, to avoid Number 6 laying hands upon him. Perhaps it's Number 6 - no, it's Number 1 in the nose cone of the rocket. So who is that dancing with Leo McKern and Kanner in that cage aboard the trailer of the Scammell Highwayman Transporter? Well, it's Patrick McGoohan, a simple case of six of one, and half a dozen of the other!
   And yet who is the real Number 1? Well just take a look in the mirror!

Be seeing you

1 comment:

  1. "Patrick McGoohan played the role of Curtis in ‘the Prisoner’ episode ‘The Schizoid Man,’ therefore Curtis is Number 1. I know, it is a very sloppy argument,"

    It's not even an argument, as Patrick McGoohan played Number 6 in ‘the Prisoner’ episode ‘The Schizoid Man,’ from which you could equally sloppily conclude therefore Number 6 is Number 1.
