Friday 8 August 2014

What's That Number Six Up To?

No.6 "What do you mean, nicked for speeding. Have you ever driven one of these. I couldn't speed in one of these even if my life depended on it!"
"Listen constable, and you look a proper contestable to me. Blow that whistle just one more time, and I'll push it down your throat!"
"No, I'm not coming quietly. I'm on a mission."
"No, I'm not a landscape gardener."
"Nor do I work for the Parks authority!"
"Listen half-pint. I'm on a mission of life and death!"
"Who's life or death? Yours if you don't let me go!"
"No, I don't have a licence."
"No, I'm not insured."
"Don't be stupid. This is a lawn mower............... I take your point officer. I'll come quietly!"


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