Wednesday 3 September 2014

Adaptability To Things As They Are!

    The Prisoner eventually adapts to life in The Village, well at least he stops attempting to escape, having realised that there is no escape! And look at the way he adapts to the situation he finds himself in ‘Do Not Forsake Me Oh My Darling,’ it must be due to his training I expect! I mean, anyone else would have gone running off into the sunset, screaming his head off once he'd seen himself in that mirror! In ‘Living In Harmony,’ the Prisoner suddenly finds himself handing in both his badge and gun to a Marshall in the American 1800's! In any given situation the Prisoner finds himself in, he gets on with it, not that he has any choice. As he did when he woke up one morning to find that he is someone else, and brought face to face with himself in ‘The Schizoid Man.’ I'm not so sure that the everyday man or woman would take things quite so easily as the Prisoner, or resolve any situation as easily as Number 6. He has a highly trained sense of survival, the intelligence ability to adapt to any given situation, and a strong sense of identity.

Be seeing you

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