Tuesday 9 September 2014

Cobb of The Civil Service!

   The Prisoner "Cobb!... What are you doing here?"
Cobb "And you?"
The Prisoner "How long have you been here?"
"Days - weeks - months? It's difficult to tell."
"How did you get here, who brought you?"
" I was in Germany. I went back to my hotel, I think I went to bed - I was here!"

   Some would say that Cobb had been brought to The Village purely for the benefit of the Prisoner. But what would that achieve? Simply to have Cobb brought to The Village just for a few moments while they met. Having said that, they did the same with Fotheringay. The meeting of Cobb and the Prisoner, could have been a mistake, that they should never have been put together on that hospital ward. Cobb brought to The Village, abducted from a hotel in Germany, that’s fair enough. They wanted to know all about him, so he talked, in the same way Chambers had talked. But had Cobb already been turned to The Village by the time he and his ex-colleague met? Because if he hadn’t, it didn’t take them very long to convert Cobb, as it was the next day that we see Cobb in the Control Room with Number 2. As for Cobb, having supposedly committed suicide by jumping out of a hospital window, for reasons of their own, The Village's administration chose for Number 6 to believe that Cobb was dead.
   So where were Cobb’s new masters? London one should imagine, seeing as Cobb could only have been dressed for working somewhere in the City, in all probability for British Civil service. Business suit, rolled umbrella, and in which other country would one wear such clothes with a bowler hat? In fact Cobb is dressed as the former Number 2 in ‘Fall, Out’ is dressed, when he returns to the fold of the Establishment somewhere in the Houses of Parliament.

Be seeing you.


  1. The abduction story must not be taken seriously. Germany perhaps? At the end of the episode No. 2 sees him off saying "Au revoir!" while Cobb says "Auf wiedersehen!" In the German version this details is disguised with the standard salute "Wir sehen uns!" Perhaps a joint venture between the German and the British intelligence services was on the way that would have him closer to the Iron Curtain. Speculative stuff. - BCNU!

    1. Hello Jana,
      Cobb said he was in Germany, that he went back to his hotel, he woke up, he was in The Village. Okay, fine if that's Cobb's story. You mention the Iron Curtain, that provokes a more relevant question, Cobb said he was in Germany at the time, would that East or West Germany? If Cobbs wasn't on Common Market business, but some other kind of business altogether it could have been either!

      Very kind regards

  2. Hi there,
    somehow it's another good example on how they manage to disguise whose side they are on. Might be England, might be France, or Germany. There is evidence for each of them. Number 2 comes to my mind, who is telling Number 6 that it doesn't matter which side runs this village, because the sides are becoming identical. Maybe his new master is simply the common market.

    Very kind regards

    1. Hello Jana,
      Well quite. The Common Market, like The Village, an International community. In fact I have always been of the opinion that The Village is a prediction of that, the European Union today.

      Very best regards

  3. The common market, the European Commission? There was neither of them back in 1966/67. Rather, he could have become the Village spy in Brussels observing the actions that would eventually lead to Great Britain's entry into the former EC in 1973. One wants to know everything. - BCNU!

  4. Hello Arno,
    As a matter of fact On March 25, 1957, France, West Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Belgium, and Luxembourg sign a treaty in Rome establishing the European Economic Community (EEC), also known as the Common Market.
    Britain twice tried to join the Common Market, but in 1967 President De Gaulle said "Non" to Britain. But as you say, Britain eventually joined in 19973.

    Very kind regards

  5. Yes, David, correct. Perhaps one ought to be careful in using the term "common market". It was different from today. It has certainly existed for companies. Especially with regard to everyday people traveling just across the borderline to buy cigarettes, wine or whatelse without limitations and without having to check the goods at the toll booth and no need to show your ID card or passport etc. - BCNU!

    1. Hello Arno,
      Giving that decription of the Common Market doesn't sound much like The Village does it? The one giving freedom of movement, the other restricting freedom!

      Very kind regards

  6. Hi!

    I guess it would have been better to use the phrase "open market" since this is where Number 6 had become worth a great deal at. Although I like the connection to the common market, too.

    "with regard to everyday people traveling just across the borderline to buy cigarettes, wine or whatelse without limitations and without having to check the goods at the toll booth and no need to show your ID card or passport"
    This sounds strikingly different from the Village, doesn't it?! Makes me think. What do you think Number 6 would have thought about the common market? Maybe even as a new master?

    Very kind regards.
    Be seeing you!

    1. Hello Jana,
      Yes, The Village doesn't sound anything like Arno's description does it? Its the International community that is the chief factor.
      What would Number 6 think of the Common Market, even as a new master? Clearly its impossible to say, but I like to think that he would be in brussels trying to kerb their powers!

      Very kind regards

    2. Hi David!
      I agree, I guess it's impossible to be sure..
      But somehow I suppose for Number 6 it might be a matter of loyalty, amongst other things, and that he wouldn't like the kind of "loyalty" for sale which the market has to offer, seeing how the Village is dealing with it's former Prisoners.
      Very kind regards,
      Be seeing you.

    3. Hello Jana,
      Number 6 very single minded, yes he is still loyal, but where does his loyalty get him? Nowhere, except in The Village!

      Very kind regards

  7. Hi David,
    yes, that's very true. But on the other hand, are you ever able to escape the Village once you are allowed to leave it?
    Very kind regards,

    1. Hello Jana,
      No I shouldn't think you are. After all Number 2 of 'The Chimes of Big Ben' and Once Upon A time ' like Number 6 had once been a prisoner. He was allowed to leave The Village, and yet had been brought back twice!

      Very kind regards
