Saturday 20 September 2014

On Your bike!

    Gus Orang-utan finds gainful employment working at The Village Shop as an errand boy. Pictured here about to ride the shop bike!



  1. Hi David
    Whatever happened to Gus Orangutan? I used to love the pictures of him around the village in Number Six magazine.

    1. Hello Nadia,
      You were asking about Gus Orangutan. He's still with me, although he has cast off his Village attire and has become a free Orangutan.
      He sits in my living room, and says he is very flattered that you remember him.

      As you were around in the days of the old Number Six magazine, I wonder, did we ever meet?

      My very best wishes

    2. Hi David
      I did attend the 1991 convention and was one of the pieces on the chessboard. I was standing behind No 6 and the White Queen – did you play No 6 that year?

    3. Hello Nadia,
      No, I didn't begin to play No.6 on the chessboard until 1994, in 91 I wasn't even a chesspiece that year. I did play Number 6 in some re-enactments during Max's Touring Theatre in 1990. But was frozen out for the next three years.
      The 1991 convention was a sort of change over, because it was the last one attended by a lot of "the old guard" but it was also the first convention for a lot of people who would eventually become very prominent in the years to the late 1990's.

      Very best wishes

    4. Hi David
      To be honest I didn’t really attend many 601 events even though I was a member for many years. I’ve always preferred to keep myself to myself. I suppose I was more like an Observer! I was a member until around 2004 – but I was a bit dismayed by all the in-fighting within the society so I just didn’t renew my membership. However, my interest in The Prisoner has never waned. In fact, I’ve found out more about the series since I left 601 than when I was a member thanks to other sources, including your excellent blog! Who could have thought so much can come from 17 episodes!
      Be seeing you then, perhaps, around the global village!

    5. Hello Nadia,
      Many members of Six of One felt like yourself, that they didn't wish to become involved with society activities, simply happy to be a member and receive those quite excellent quaterly mailings. Members today do not get mailings like those any more, packed with material. For myself, I liked to be involved, I felt I had to contribute something to the society. But in the end I allowed myself to become too involved with the politics of the society.
      It took me a long time to get Six of One out of my system I don't mind saying. But then I found my appreciation for 'the Prisoner' had grown stronger since I walked out, and began to look at the series in many different ways which I had never coinsidered when I was a member of Six of One. And I suppose I felt free, liberated, that's the only way I can describe it.
      I'm pleased you enjoy my blog, a good many people do. And I hope to be writing it for a good while yet.
      Very best regards
      David the Global Village, its smaller than one might think!
