Tuesday 14 October 2014

6 Private

    Number 6 doesn’t have a neighbour, not an actual next door neighbour as such. Yes Number 8 had been a neighbour, who lived in a terraced house a few steps away across the square {during The Chimes of Big Ben}. It could be asked why wasn’t Number 7 Number 6’s close neighbour? Perhaps Number 7 lived on the other side of the square next to Number 5, or would have done had there been a 7 in The Village. So 2’s residence is the Green Dome. Next comes Number 6, and across the way is Number 8. 2 6 8, then what happened to 4? Unless Number 4 is the General Store, seeing as it’s the only building between the Green Dome and 6 Private! As for 6 Private Number 6 lives in a detached cottage, it doesn’t share a wall with another house or building. This appears to make Number 6 stand out a little. On the other hand, because Number 6 does live in a detached cottage, this also appears to set him apart from other citizens!

Be seeing you

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