Wednesday 1 October 2014

Bureau of Visual Records

    How does the helicopter pilot know to bring No.6 back to The Village? The answer is a simple one, because Number 2 has realised that the man who had travelled with him in the taxi to the helicopter isn’t the man he thought he was! He walks over to the helicopter pilot giving him instructions on what to do. One circuit of The Village, and then land again. This happened while Allison-Number 24 was about to speak to Number 6, Number 2 having excused himself for a moment, calling the pilot to one side in the background. Mind you the scene is spoilt somewhat with the use of some stock footage of the helicopter. Someone once wrote that they had added floats to the helicopter after it had taken off. I made the comment that if they had observed even closer, that it’s a different helicopter altogether. I was surprised that they couldn’t see that!
    Having said that, there was no need to insert that piece of film footage of the different helicopter, when all they had to do was to film the helicopter taking off at the Recreation Hall, insert the aerial film of Portmeirion, and the same helicopter in the air, and landing again simples!
   That was a very cruel trick on the part of Number 2, he could easily have stopped Number 6 when he said "You won't forget to give Susan my regards will you?" as Number 6 boards the helicopter.
"I won't. Goodbye" says Number 6 slipping the blindfold on.
   Number 2 could have then told Number 6 to get out of the helicopter, telling him that Susan had died a year ago. But oh no, he had to have Number 6 think he was being flown away from The Village to the landing stage and freedom. Only to taunt him on his return to The Village!

Be seeing you

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