Saturday 18 October 2014

It's Your Funeral!

    We can pretty much guess who's funeral it's going to be, seeing as how "Plan Division Q" was an absolute failure! But then the mistake was to involve Number 6 in the first place. Quite obviously the Interim Number 2 as he was then, had no idea what happened during 'The General.' That was about the only time a  plan involving Number 6 succeeded, and the outcome of that was pretty devastating. And yet on the other hand Number 1 would have been only to aware. Judging by the way the interim Number 2 speaks to his superior, he is in collusion regarding the planned assassination/execution of the retiring Number 2. That they have formulated the plan between them.
   "Yes, I realise that sir, the reason why we selected Number Six, a matter of credibility, without which the plan might backfire."
   Well it did backfire, despite Number 2's reassurance and personal guarantee, and giving his word. And yet there is another way of looking at this. It is always possible that Number 1 is playing "the game" from two advantages. By putting Number 6 to the test once more, in order to see if he is able to get the better of this Interim Number 2's machinations, and by his wits against Number 6, to see if the interim Number 2 can bring "Plan Division Q" to a satisfactory conclusion, despite Number 6's involvement.

Be seeing you

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