Friday 10 October 2014

Teabreak Teaser

    Why did Number 6 call Roland Walter Dutton as a character witness?



  1. Probably because he estimated almost everybody else, except No. 2 maybe, a stooge or brainless follower of the Village system. Hence RWD, to him, represented a real charcter. - BCNU!

  2. Morituri te salutant

  3. Aren't they already dead? De mortuis nil nisi bene. - BNCU!

    1. Hello Arno,
      Originally they all would have been at the end of the Ball, everyone but Number 6 that is.
      As for poor Roland Walter Dutton, he was alrady scheduled to die, there being a termination order against him. So Number 6 thought that Dutton having nothing to lose, would be the man best fitted to say the things that needed to be said {I'm not sure if Dutton knew the things that needed to be said} but unfortunately the doctor got there first, and his last experiment had left Dutton brain dead!
      "In the midst of life we are in death" - The Prayer Book

      Very kind regards

  4. Certainly true, David. The point here, I kept thinking that "dead" was meant rather metaphorically. RWD, to No. 6, must have been a very reliable person, I think otherwise he wouldn't have called him as a character witness. But at the same time the Village knew exactly this would happen. That's the tragic. - BCNU!

    1. Hello Arno,
      Tragic indeed, for Roland Walter Dutton. But yes, you are right, metaphorically speaking Number 6 is dead, he's lying in The Village mortuary! Then Number 2 will do what Number 6 tried to do, send a message to the outside world. However I do not think the message, that Number 6 had died in an accident at sea, actually never got through to the outside world. Or at least by the time of 'Do Not Forsake Me Oh My Darling' it was forgotten!

      Enjoy the rest of the weekend
      Very best regards
