Friday 28 November 2014

All The Fun At The Carnival

    Number 1 must have expressed his disappointment that he could not attend the Carnival, or if not that, then the Ball in the evening. We know this by what Number 2 said to Number 1 whilst on the telephone to him.
    “Yes I wish you could come too!”
    But then how do we know if the man behind the big door wasn’t there at either the Carnival or the Ball that evening, after all, everyone was in fancy dress costume. Well everyone but Number 6 and the
Butler! And that Butler, he’s always got to be at the centre of things. Taking that scroll, and handing one of the Judges that black cloth. Who does that Butler think he is? He’s number 2’s Butler and personal gentleman’s gentleman, anything else that takes place in The Village should be of little concern to him. Unless the Butler’s Number 1. There are those who were once of the opinion, and perhaps still are of that opinion, that the butler is Number 1, simply on the grounds that he was the one the door to Number 1 Buckingham Place opened for, and that he was the only one to have stepped through that door into the house!
    Of course with hindsight, it could be said that the man behind the big door , Number 1, was at both the Carnival and the Ball, because Number 1 and Number 6 are one and the same person. But seeing as how ‘Dance of the Dead’ was produced long before the advent of ‘Fall Out,’ and was supposed to have been the second episode in the screening order {according to the library order for the series} then there was no-way anyone at that time could have realised who Number 1 was.
    So, if Number 2 was speaking to Number 1 on the telephone, who was she reporting to, and receiving instructions from via that teleprinter? An outside source obviously. Perhaps Number 1 is but a figurehead in The Village, someone who wields a certain amount of power within its confines, but no more than that. After all it is Number 2, and not Number 1, who gives reports and receives instructions via that teleprinter, from a source beyond The Village. Instructions given, and reports received by someone, or some committee in a government department back in the homeland, as mentioned by the new Number 2 in ‘Free For All’ to the departing Number 2.

Be seeing you

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