Monday 10 November 2014

Bureau of Visual Records

   Number 6 may have woken up in a strange apartment, he may be confused, he's certainly been conditioned! Conditioned to smoke black Russian cigarettes, and flapjacks or pancakes, call them what you will. While being conditioned, Number 6 rejects a plate of bacon and eggs, as well as liver and bacon, but quickly tucks in when presented with a plate of pancakes. That makes it even more extraordinary that he doesn't tuck straight in when presented with such a meal by Number 2 in his office, having rejected other meals in the serving dishes, before he finds the pancakes, and eagerly places three pancakes on a plate. Instead of tucking into the pancakes on sight, which was the result of his mental conditioning, Number 6 only breaks a small piece off one of the pancakes and eats that. Perhaps Number 6 isn't hungry, or perhaps he was put off when he finds another plate of pancakes under a silver plate cover! Or maybe he has other things on his mind, like what's it all about?

Be seeing you

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