Thursday 27 November 2014

Bureau of Visual Records

   The above image is taken of course from a scene in ‘The General.’ The Professor and Madam Professor went to The Village of their own free will. By that they were probably recruited. The Professor to be the face of Speedlearn, a kindly man, from whom the students will take anything. It’s not so much a direct teaching job, as to why the Professor is needed, just someone to type up the lectures. Madam Professor was simply there to make sure her husband co-operated, and if the Professor didn’t Co-operate, then something nasty would happen to his wife. In this way the one being essential for the others survival! As for Madam Professor’s art seminars, well they kept her occupied. I think that having gone to The Village of their own free will, the Professor and his wife soon found out that The Village wasn’t what they might have been given to think it was. Certainly the Professor had soon lost belief in both the General and Speedlearn.
When it comes to the Professor and the General there is something of a contradiction. On the one hand it is said by Number 2 that the Professor gave birth to the General, suggesting he created it, and loves it with a passion, probably he hates it even more. And yet the Professor said he was introduced to the General!
One other thing…..we barely see the Professor {Peter Howell} and Madam Professor {Betty McDowell} in the same scene together. Only once, here with the figure of the Professor lying in the bed, until seconds later, it isn’t!

Be seeing you


  1. Hello David,
    Maybe the Village was kind of a womb for the General, in a way that it was built there. But then they went on and got the Professor to give birth to it, to bring it to life. Maybe it was even based on the Professors own ideas, stolen or bought and realized by the Village before they decided to get him.

    Regarding the scene when Number 6 smashes the Professors head I just thought that it might as well be that the Prisoner was very sure that the Professor was nothing more than a puppet on strings.

    Best wishes,

    1. Hello Jana,
      Yes, why not? The Village, apart from being used for the gathering of information, is also a place where technology appears to be developed, as well as medical developments. So yes, why not The General.

      As it happens it had to be actor Peter Howell {the Professor} who had to be sure of Patrick McGoohan. Because Peter Howell was actually lying in that bed when Number 6 brings down that walking stick, just about 2 inches from Peter Howell's ear!

      Very kind regards

  2. I can't help it. To me the episode remains the weakest but one, some correct statements in it notwithstanding. However, the scene in question is remarkable for its rather unexpected and fierce act of violence. And although or perhaps because only a dummy skull is smashed it displays a surreal quality. - BCNU!

    1. Hello Arno,
      Very well put. I have always liked 'The General' as I do 'A B and C,' simply because of the actor Colin Gordon. Its nice to see that in 'The General' he doesn't have to use that ridiculous over-sized, curved red telephone, as he is forced to in 'A B and C.'

      Very kind regards
