Saturday 29 November 2014

Bureau Of Visual Records

   During ‘It’s Your Funeral,' once Monique has convinced Number 6 about the planned assassination of Number 2, all they seem to do together is drink coffee. Well perhaps on three occasions isn’t that often, twice at the new café facilities, and once at the Old People’s Home, but it seemed a lot at the time! What’s more Number 6 appears to have forgotten that he gave up sugar on medical advice. That’s the thing about the production of ‘the Prisoner,’ parameters once set at either the outset, or at an early stage into the production, are found to be somewhat lax later in the series, or have been forgotten about altogether!

Be seeing you


  1. Dear David
    Yes, No.6 does seem to spend a lot of time in the various village cafes, and there do seem to be quite a few. Lets face it, there isn't much else to do in the village apart from sit around and drink coffee, eat cakes etc. Perhaps he just got fed up of going off into the woods to mess around with his apparatus, and decided just to have a cup of tea and slice of cake instead!
    Also, I think it could be a possible ploy by the village to overfeed their inhabitants, making them too tired or overweight to attempt any escape attempts, after all there do seem to be some larger characters. Just a thought, ha, ha!

    1. Hello Nadia,
      That's right there are several places to have a cup of tea and coffee. In fact the new cafe facilities go all the way back to the episode of 'The General!'
      You are right, some of the Villagers are larger than life!

      I have to disagree about the entertainment and activities laid on by The Village. There's the human chess matches {if you play chess} painting competitions, the Exhibition of Arts and Crafts, the regular Brass Band concerts. There's the Gymnasium, the occasional folk music concert, and Exhibition of Entertainment and Mime held at the Recreation Hall, and not forgetting Madam Professor's art seminars. People can sunbathe, play beach ball, swin in the open lido, build sand castles down on the beach. Blimey! No wonder Thorpe said he wouldn't mind a fortnights leave there!

      Its strange, that when Number 6 is using his apparatus in the woods, there is absolutely no attempot to hide the fact that its not Patrick McGoohan. Nor is it Frank Maher!

      Very kind regards

  2. My dear D6
    Gosh, you seem really enthusiastic about the entertainment on offer in the Village – oh well, whatever floats your model boat! No wonder some of the villagers resorted to jamming in order to spice up their lives with a little excitement. “Exhibition of Entertainment & Mime” – I don’t remember that one. In which episode did this occur? And as for swimming in the open lido – was it deep enough? Looked more like a paddling pool to me!
    Well that’s another strange thing - if it wasn’t PMcG or Frank Maher then who was it doing their stuff in the woodland gym?
    There’s no end to the mysteries generated by the series, is there?!

    1. Dear Nadia,
      I wouldn't say enthusiastic, but there comes a time when one has to accept things as they are, and settle down. Village is for life, and there's no escaping it! Oh yes, thank you, I forgot about sailing model boats, as the Ex-Admiral and his Flag Officer do on the beach.

      Posters advertising both the Folk Music concert and the Exhibition of Mime and Entertainment can be seen on the bulletin board outside the Recreation Hall in during both 'The Chimes of Big Ben,' and 'The Schizoid Man.'

      That's a very good question, about who it was standing in for Patrick McGoohan during the woodland gymnasium scenes. Its one of those questions which I'm afraid may never be answered, especially after all this time. As you say, there is indeed no end to the mysteries generated by the series. And that's partly why 'the Prisoner' has endured the passage of time.

      Very kind regards
