Sunday 2 November 2014

Caught On Camera!

  I’ve always thought there was something not quite right about exterior film footage of Kandersfeld in ‘Do Not Forsake Me Oh My Darling. The top frame is taken from film as the Colonel/6 drives into Kandersfeld. The one below, the mirror image of the other, no I’ve not been messing it about, but someone in the cutting room working on ‘the Prisoner’ did. The other difference is the lightness of the top frame of film. The one below inserted for a few seconds as the waiter at the café directs the Colonel/6 to Herr Halen’s barber's shop. It is a pity that the film editor saw fit to put in this single frame of film {mirrored} because it stands out too much. All that had to be done was to insert the same frame of film un-mirrored, that way no-one would have noticed.

Be seeing you

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