Tuesday 25 November 2014


    During ‘The Chimes of Big Ben,’ Number 6 and Nadia set sail in a boat they had built from the pieces of Number 6’s abstract sculpture. They were supposed to have been sailing 30 miles from Lithuania on the Baltic to the Polish coast. However later in the series we discover that this is impossible, seeing as The Village is nowhere near the Baltic Sea, let alone Lithuania. So where exactly was Number 6 and Nadia sailing? For myself The Village is somewhere along the coast of Portugal, and that is where they were sailing, along the coast of Portugal.
   Let me ask you what’s wrong with this picture.

   the boat is facing the wrong way! Even if Number 6 and Nadia were sailing along the coast of Kaliningrad to the Polish coast, they are travelling in the wrong direction! They should be travelling in a southerly direction, when in fact they are sailing in a northerly direction. And if they carried on that course, it would have been the coast of Latvia which they were sailing along!
   However this is purely academic, seeing the reality is, that when Nadia points out the cave to Number 6,  it is the Warren near the Battle of Britain memorial, near Folkestone.



  1. Not necessarily northerly. It could be a penisula or a cape around which they are sailing. - BCNU!

    1. Hello Arno,
      Yes it could be, and at one point they would have had to have sailed around a peninsula before encountering the coast of Poland. But even so, the boat would is still be facing the wrong way when viewed from the sea. Viewd from the land I look at it in simple terms. After setting sail, Number 6 could have turned left along the coat after clearing the mouth of the estury.

      Vey kind regards

  2. Perhaps the film was projected the wrong way - err... You're bloody well right! - BCNU!
