Saturday 22 November 2014

Free for Nothing!

   Just what did The Village administration achieve with the elections of ‘Free For All?’ It would appear that The Village administration has gone to an awful lot of trouble for the sake of one man, when seemingly it can gain nothing from the venture, and that goes for Number 6 as well. A form of stalemate one might presume to say. The only reason they might have had was that of a bribe - work with us, and this could all be yours. But this idea falls flat on it's face within the last moments of the episode, when Number 6 has attained the position of Number 2. He tries to organise a mass breakout, yet no-one is taking the slightest bit of notice of him, as the new Number 2's voice booms out across The Village "You are free, free, free to go. I have command, obey me and be free." So Number 6 has nothing to gain, although he does try. He also tries to escape, but the attempt is futile.
   The election is rigged, there is no reason for it, because the new Number 2 is already ensconced in The Village, as a plant - a maid-Number 58 assigned to Number 6. So all there is to do, is to simply 'play the game.' At the end, Number 6 is taught a lesson, that this is only the beginning. That they have many ways and means, but they don't wish to damage him permanently. Surely ‘Free For All’ was never simply to teach No.6 a lesson! But I hope No.6 was listening, because at least he learned something from this experience. ‘Free for All’ may appear to have no reason behind it. It raises many questions, but for all that, it is simply a joy to watch.

Be seeing you

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